Hi All, the dress code of the recption will be FORMAL!!!!!
That means Tux, bow or black tie for Lads
and Formal Floaty Dresses touching the sand for Lass
HaHa Chance to look like an angel or a goddess for the night and day too.
Another dress code will be HATS HATS HATS
We want a fancy dress party but we can't really organise anything crazy, so we have chosen the subtle theme of hats+formal as the dress code
sO go ahead and buy, create your crazy hats to go with your formal suit or dress.
BE Pretty LoOk Crazy HaApy
and Formal Floaty Dresses touching the sand for Lass
HaHa Chance to look like an angel or a goddess for the night and day too.
Another dress code will be HATS HATS HATS
We want a fancy dress party but we can't really organise anything crazy, so we have chosen the subtle theme of hats+formal as the dress code
sO go ahead and buy, create your crazy hats to go with your formal suit or dress.
BE Pretty LoOk Crazy HaApy
To give you a better idea of what may work, take a look at the
Hats and fasinators for ladies to check out at eBay:
3) Hat and Fasinator Shop http://stores.ebay.co.uk/Hats-By-Cressida
4) Dress Hats in General http://clothes.search.ebay.co.uk/dress-hat_Clothes-Shoes-Accessories_W0QQ_trksidZm37QQcatrefZC11QQfromZR40QQsacatZ11450
Gents: your choices maybe tophats, bowler hat, panama hat etc
1) Bowler Hat: http://search.ebay.co.uk/search/search.dll?sofocus=bs&sbrftog=1&catref=C12&from=R10&_trksid=m37&satitle=bowler&sacat=11450%26catref%3DC6&sargn=-1%26saslc%3D3&sadis=200&fpos=Postcode&sabfmts=1&ga10244=10425&ftrt=1&ftrv=1&sabdlo=&sabdhi=&saprclo=&saprchi=&fsop=1%26fsoo%3D1&coaction=compare&copagenum=1&coentrypage=search&fgtp=
2) Top Hats
3) Panama Hats
4) Others - Improvise BUT NO NO NO Base ball Caps pls
We will have a great hats dress up party, and u are welcome to waer your hats to both the wedding and the party!
Happy shopping / creating your own fasinators!
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