Sunday, 12 August 2007

Travel Agent for Air and Room Reservation

For reservation of HK-Cebu Room Package at Shangri-La Cebu, priced at around HK$3650 for 3D2N in Shangri-la Cebu (HK$640 extra night), please contact

Ms Yero Wong Symbol Travels Ltd. Licence 351252 Rm. 910, Tower 2, Slivercord, 30 Canton Road, Kwoloon
Email :
Tel : +852 2375 1088 Mob : 9216 5380 Fax : +852 2736 9019

Please mention that you are a guest in "Martina and Gabriel's Wedding" .
We may be able to get better deal if more are going together at the same flight.

You are welcome to submit your name to Yero for booking now.

If you need to share room and you want our help. Simply email me at

We will be announcing diving packages etc details soon.

Sunday, 5 August 2007

Flight Schedule and prices for Cathy Pacific: HK to Cebu

I have found out that the flight schedule for CP from HK to Cebu is only once a day. On Thurs depart HK around 9 am, Fri depart at 4pm, Sat 9am.

Schedule is as below:

Initial Cathy Pacific holidays pricing are quoted as below:-
a) Old block Garden View room and CP return Tickets: 3D2N hk$3650+hk$640 extra night
b) New Block Ocean View room and CP return tickets: 3D2N hk$4580+hk$1120 extra night
If booked through us, 5% off.
Those who can depart from HK on 25 Jan 08 4pm (Fri) and depart Cebu on (Mon) 28 Jan 08, or depart with the diving crowd in the same flight might get group fare, which should be a little cheaper. We are still waiting for CP fare to be announced after Sept 07.
Also those who would like to get the CP tickets by aisa miles can do so after mid Oct, Milage required to redeem Cebu tickets will be reduced after 15 Oct 07.

Gabs Suit - Alexander What?

We went to Joyce after the paint ball game on Sun. Right before it closed, Gabs hunted down his suit for the day. Here is a sneak preview of the suit. It is not black, not white, but light grey with light blue and even lighter grey thin stripes. I love it because it looks unconventional, fresh, and Gabs feels great in it. It is not very constructed, and seems soft to the touch and comfortable to be in. I am not going to show you the pictures of the real suit here but it is similar to the 3 botton suit and grey colours above. He will be wearing white bow and white bowler hat. Sounds dramatic!? So you know what to wear to match the show now. HaHaHa

Saturday, 4 August 2007

Dress Code for Reception - FORMAL

Hi All, the dress code of the recption will be FORMAL!!!!!
That means Tux, bow or black tie for Lads
and Formal Floaty Dresses touching the sand for Lass
HaHa Chance to look like an angel or a goddess for the night and day too.

Another dress code will be HATS HATS HATS
We want a fancy dress party but we can't really organise anything crazy, so we have chosen the subtle theme of hats+formal as the dress code

sO go ahead and buy, create your crazy hats to go with your formal suit or dress.

BE Pretty LoOk Crazy HaApy

To give you a better idea of what may work, take a look at the
Hats and fasinators for ladies to check out at eBay:
3) Hat and Fasinator Shop
4) Dress Hats in General

Gents: your choices maybe tophats, bowler hat, panama hat etc
1) Bowler Hat:

2) Top Hats
3) Panama Hats
4) Others - Improvise BUT NO NO NO Base ball Caps pls

We will have a great hats dress up party, and u are welcome to waer your hats to both the wedding and the party!

Happy shopping / creating your own fasinators!